Communism is alive and well
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Latest From Bob Livingston |
February 20, 2017 |
Russian communism vs. American communism » Russian communism gets the bad name because it has been used since World War II by the ruling oligarchy and their military industrial complex to keep the American people in constant fear and political manipulation. More importantly, Russian communism has been used as a decoy to keep the American people and the world from seeing American communism. More »
Latest From GS Early |
Dusk and darkness for the dollar? » There's a trend that has been in place for a while now, and it's worth paying attention to. Central banks around the world are dumping their U.S. Treasuries at record levels. Let me take you back a little bit to the root of the problem.
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Insider Access |
The DATE Gold Could Soar to $5,000
A new law in effect this March could deliver an unexpected shock to the markets.
Banks are shifting their money into one single asset that could explode in value, even as everything else plummets.
$3 TRILLION is set to change hands virtually overnight.
Click here for full details. |
Hot Topics |
Vaccines: Daniel Summers in WaPo says there’s nothing to debate. He’s wrong. » In a recent Washington Post op-ed, pediatrician Daniel Summers argues that when it comes to the safety and efficacy of vaccines, there's nothing to debate. His central message is essentially: Shut up, stop asking questions, and just get your damn shots. Yet his own arguments illustrate why he's wrong, and why there is indeed a debate to be had. So why is he so afraid of having it? More »
Dome Watch |
Power Of The State |
Crucial Facts |
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