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Personal Liberty Digest
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grady clark, thanks for subscribing since 2/18/2016.
September 1, 2017

Deep State covered for Clinton... and it still is »
Deep State covered for Clinton... and it still is by Sam Rolley — Thanks to revelations out from two GOP senators this week, we learned what we already knew: Former FBI Director James Comey never had any intention to thoroughly investigate Hillary Clinton's use of a secret email server while at the State Department. In other words, his firing was totally justified. Now, watch as the Washington machine works feverishly to continue to keep traces of Clinton corruption under wraps. More »

Salt Lake City detective arrests nurse for doing her job »
Salt Lake City detective arrests nurse for doing her job by Jay Baker — "I either go away with blood in vials or body in tow," officer tells nurse who refused to allow him to draw blood from an unconscious patient. The officer slapped at the phone and began moving aggressively toward Wubbels as she backed away, ultimately arresting her for doing her job. More »

Feds officially acknowledge Antifa 'domestic terrorist violence,' advise to brace for more »
Feds officially acknowledge Antifa 'domestic terrorist violence,' advise to brace for more Long before the left tried to make their unruly minions out as peaceful protesters who simply hate statues of dead Confederates, federal law enforcement officials were warning local authorities throughout the nation to be on high alert for "domestic terrorist violence" when Antifa groups hit the streets. More »

California Supreme Court decision could end secrecy over police capture of license plate images »
California Supreme Court decision could end secrecy over police capture of license plate images The California Supreme Court decided Thursday that data from millions of vehicle license plate images collected by the Los Angeles police and sheriff's departments are not confidential investigative records that can be kept from public disclosure. More »
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