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grady clark, thanks for subscribing since 2/18/2016.
October 26, 2017

The plot to overthrow America — oh, that's just a fantasy, right? »
The plot to overthrow America -- oh, that's just a fantasy, right? by Jon Rappoport — I continue to expose the expansion of socialism — "the revolution by and for the masses," which is in fact a plot of ultra-rich monopolists. Politically Left, Right or Center, it doesn't matter. This massive collection of power players are all "socialists." Meaning: they're power-mad monopolists. More »

The Democrats’ ‘Russia collusion’ narrative turns on them »
The Democrats’ ‘Russia collusion’ narrative turns on them by Bob Livingston — The Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media are being hoisted on their own petard. It was the Democrats, the FBI and John McCain who collaborated with Russia to rig the election. The evidence is so damning that even the CIA-owned, Hillary Clinton-friendly, left-leaning Washington Post had to admit that it was the Democrats and Clintons who colluded with Russian operatives. More »

Even a majority of Republicans now think marijuana prohibition is dumb »
Even a majority of Republicans now think marijuana prohibition is dumb Overall support for marijuana legalization among adults in the United States has been steadily growing since the early 1990s. But this year support for legalization reached a new milestone as a majority of Republicans say they now support an end to federal marijuana prohibition.  More »

Private prisons boost lobbying as federal detention needs grow »
Private prisons boost lobbying as federal detention needs grow One of the country's largest private prison companies is spending record amounts on lobbying amid efforts by the Trump administration to detain more undocumented immigrants, federal records show. More »
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