Dinner for none

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Dinner for none

Friday night, the owner of The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, told White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her friends that they don't serve her kind there. And then, as is required by the rules of viral stupidity, all hell broke loose. Sanders tweeted about the experience, although she didn't add any partisan flair. The Red Hen then changed their outgoing voicemail message to warn "If you're a Trump supporter or voted for him, or you smell like a Trump supporter, we will throw your butt out just like we did Sarah Sanders." I'm not sure what a Trump supporter smells like, but I'm going to assume they mean "smell like you bathe more regularly than a Burning Man attendee." Democrats cheered the proprietor's bizarre hatred. Republicans turned The Red Hen's Yelp page into a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

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I've said it before: more power to places like The Red Hen! Hey, I don't want to eat anywhere that doesn't want "my kind" to darken their doors; I even wholeheartedly support every restaurant posting a sign designating which "kind" are welcome to sample their farm-to-table fare. If some left-wing loon can't abide my money, I know of plenty of other places who will gladly stuff it in the register. If the left-wing loon is nice enough to tell me first, it'll save everyone a lot of time, hassle and social media blitzkrieg.

The liberals have managed to rectify their belief that you should bake whatever you're told, for whomever you're told, whenever you're told, with their belief that you should also be able to deny whatever you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want. Considering the hypocrisies that have come to define the left's position on everything from food to foreign aggressors, that's not that all that weird. I'll feel a lot better knowing that I will never again have to endure listening to some self-important ninny asking a server if the quinoa is organic, if the kale chips come with cruelty-free hummus or whatever. I, for one, welcome the new "separate but equal" America.

Unfortunately, separate but equal dining facilities won't be the end of the left's plan to divide us all into whatever categories they consider fitting. Sunday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D – the Los Angeles riots) announced the next phase in the Democrats' plan to Make America Hate Again. According to the liberal icon, anyone on the liberals' ever-expanding blacklist won't "...be able to go to a restaurant, they're not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they're not going to be able to shop at a department store, the people are going to turn on them, they're going to protest, they're going to absolutely harass them."

Thanks to the old girl's declaration of war on everyone to the right of Che', I can dispense with my practice of being decent to other humans. However, I spotted some flaws in the left's new "divided states of America" plan. How am I supposed to know who is and isn't acceptable? Granted, I can tell who the hardcore liberals are from the "pussy" hats, perpetually open mouths and low foreheads, but most people don't wear badges identifying themselves by ideology, and past attempts at that sort of thing have tended to result in big parties like World War II. Furthermore, some of my friends are liberals. Am I still allowed to socialize with them? Will I need a special permit to do so? Will Madame Maxine and her brownshirt brigadiers be providing mixed-ideology facilities, like dining DMZs or will we only be able to see them when they come for visitation day in the gulag? Or will it be more like the Jim Crow era, the last time Democrats tried to keep "their" facilities free of "those people?"

I won't ever eat at the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia. Given the fact that Lexington sits in Virginia's 6th District, which hasn't given a Democrat more than 37 percent in this millennium, and the Red Hen's proprietor just told the other 63 percent she doesn't want their business, I'm not sure I'll ever have the chance. But even if they manage to keep their doors open to their kind, Maxine Waters and her friends wouldn't let me eat in peace.

— Ben Crystal

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